Lenawee County Fair
& Event Grounds
2024 Daily Fair Schedule
Saturday, July 27th-Merchant’s Day
8:00 am: Open Class Goat Show - Show Barn
9:00 am: 4-H Horse & Pony Show - Horse Arena
9:00 am Livestock Judging Contest- Beef, Sheep, Swine and Goats…Beef exercise arena and swine wash rack
10:00 am-9:00 pm: Merchant and Agricultural Buildings Open
10:00 am-9:00 pm: Open Class Buildings Open
11:00 am Sweepstakes Showmanship-Poultry and Rabbit…Kiwanis Building
1:00 pm Sweepstakes Showmanship-Horse, Swine, Dairy, Beef, Sheep, Goats…Horse Arena, Swine Wash Rack, Dairy Arena, and Show Barn
1:00 pm: Pedal Power Tractor Pull - Drive between building B and Dairy Arena
1:00 pm: Adrian Junior Majorettes - Bandshell
2:30 pm: Savannah Rose Dance Studio - Bandshell
3:00 pm: 4-H Egg Toss Contest - Dairy Arena
4:00 pm: 4-H King and Queen Contest - Dairy Arena
4:00 pm: Encore Dance Studio - Bandshell
5:00 pm: Michael Snyder-Barker - Bandshell
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Grant Reiff - Bandshell
7:00 pm: Tuff Truck & Car Competition - Grandstand