Lenawee County Fair
& Event Grounds

2024 Contests
The Lenawee County Fair has many great contests and competitions to enter for the fair season. Check out the available contests below and the entry forms for each.
Queen’s Pageant - Scholarship Only
Eligibility Requirements:
NEW: Must have a Platform
1. Must have a platform–An issue or cause that is relevant to our world or the specific contestant.
2. Must be at least 16 years old, but not older than 22 as of July 1st, current year. 3. Must be single and without a child.
4. Must live or go to school full-time in Lenawee County. Proof of residency is required (birth certificate, school registration, transcript.) with registration. 5. Must perform a talent act that does not exceed 90 seconds. Must use the technical equipment provided.
6. Must be available for personal interview on Sunday, July 21, 2024, 9-11 am, location TBD.
7. If crowned as Queen or member of the court, You MUST be available for all duties and public appearances throughout the week, ending Saturday night at the close of the fair. Failure to do so will result in FORFEIT of scholarships awarded.
8. If crowned Queen, you MUST be available throughout the year for appearances and parades. Failure to do so will result in FORFEIT of scholarships awarded.
9. Entry Fee: $40 that is to be paid at the time of registration by sponsoring business, civic group, or individual. If a contestant drops out, the entry fee will be forfeited.
10. Must be available for rehearsals (dates and times TBD)
11. Must be available for the fair parade on July 21, 2024. Lineup 12 pm and location TBD
12. Entry Forms and fees must be submitted by June 28th at 4 pm. (On Google Forms or turned into the fair office)
13. If crowned queen, the title holder is not allowed to compete in any other pageant system until the queen's reign ends fair of 2025
o Queen - $1,000 Scholarship
o 1st Runner up - $500 Scholarship
o 2nd Runner up - $250 Scholarship
o One must advance education to receive the scholarship. No cash awarded.
o Other scholarships will be awarded in addition to those listed above
New in 2024! Garden Planter Contest

The planter must incorporate the 2024 Fair Theme – "Blue Jeans & Country Dreams" as well as the 2024 Fair Flower, the petunia.
Registration forms are due by July 1, 2024.
Planters must be free-standing and able to be moved. Judging will occur on Saturday, July 20th after 6 PM with winners announced on Sunday, July 21st.
Download the rules and registration below.
Senior Bingo
Our Senior Citizen Friends of Lenawee County Fair
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 for a fun afternoon of Bingo at the
4-H Center on the Lenawee Fairgrounds at 2 pm
There will be fun prizes, light refreshments and lots of laughter with other Senior Citizens!!!